The last two weeks just haven't been good. On September 5, I had carpal tunnel surgery. Didn't get to see my girls for a few days. Last Friday, I was keeping Briley. Somehow, and I have played it over and over in my mind, I got my feet tangled up and took a bad fall. I really hit my head hard and mangled my glasses. Briley brought me the phone and I called Ashlie and she and Brad came right away. I heard my neck pop when I fell, and since I had a neck fusion several years go, it really scared us all. So I got to ride to the Emergency Room in the back of an ambulance. (With four square wheels)! After CAT scans and x-rays - I was cleared to come home. I thank God that my injuries were not serious. Mostly I was just really shook up. I was carrying Briley when I hit the floor and I am so thankful she didn't have one scratch on her. I have been one sore chick the last few days. I rested the weekend and tried to get back to normal. (?)
Maybe you could say, that somewhere is all this, I realized how very precious life can be. One minute, everything is okay and the next is a totally different story. I want to thank God that my kids and grandkids, extended family and friends are safe and sound and that God is taking care of all things.
And that I have Addison and Briley in my life.
Thank you Lord! Thank you so much!